Marcalabel settled in Oporto in 1987 with the purpose of presenting to the market with industrial marking solutions (expiration dates, lot numbers, etc.) as well as packaging equipment for the industry in general. It also started the production in Portugal of marking equipment under the brand MARCAPRINT , having after two years starting to export it, particularly for Spain and France.
At the moment of which the implementation of the bar code system by the large surfaces took place, Marcaembal was requested by the market to provide printing solutions of these codes either by selling equipment or providing the service of printing these codes on auto adhesive labels. In 2002 the first steps were taken to the creation and proper trademark registration for its products, an achieved objective at the end of 2004, being then recorded with the name of MARCALABEL, it was intended with this to give a more realistic image according to the current core business of the company. In 2003 the certification of the company to the norm ISO 9001/2000 was implemented, being then in 2017 fulfilled the transposition to the norm ISO 9001/2015.
Products manufactured by our company meet the highest standards required by the international quality standards.

Core Business
In the present and after more than 30 years of presence in the market the core business of the company is centered in the following business areas:
- Production and trading of labels / self-adhesive labels with and without impression
- Production and trading of ribbons to the printers of various brands labels (by the way, Marcaembal is the only company in Portugal transforming this type of material)
- Production and trading of self-adhesive labels on A4 sheets for inkjet, laser and copier
- Marketing of label printers
- Marketing of semi-automatic and automatic systems for applying labels